Food & Bottles
It all begins with a talented & passionate chef, manufacturer, winemaker or distiller
who needs high quality product photography, to showcase their amazing creations.
For studio quality food photography, wine bottle photography
and product food photography, email me today to make a booking.

Studio Wine Bottle Photography
All wine bottle photographs are captured as RAW files and are edited and saved as JPG & PNG files.
$50.00 per unit
Inclusive of editing, including label enrichment, flaw removal & pure white 255 background.
Extra: Clear background PNG file – extra $15.00 ( enables your designer to drop your wine bottle on to a white or coloured background)
Before you supply wine bottles to be photographed, please check the list below:
Front labels must be applied straight and centred.
Back labels should be removed or not applied for photography. Where back labels are included, bottles will be photographed with them in situ.
Any glass seams should be positioned at the side of the bottle, so that they cannot be seen from the front elevation.
Necks / Lids should be straight with the winery name centred, toward the front of the bottle.
Labels on range bottles, should be applied at the same height.
The label should be clear of bubbles, glue, scratches, marks and the content of the label should be in A1 condition.
There should be no dents or scratches anywhere on the bottle.
Bottles should be supplied well packed for transit.
Dust, small glass bubbles and marks on the glass can easily be removed by us in post editing.